What is the general agreement on geothermal energy?
The Voluntary Implementation Agreement on geothermal energy is a memorandum of understanding that mobilises resources for a total of 650 million euros, in addition to around 10 million euros a year for the production of electricity from geothermal energy.
Indeed, the total resources that ENEL will put at the disposal of the local bodies involved in geothermal activities and research from now until 2024 amount to so much. Essentially the protocol responds to a dual need connected with the exploitation of this precious renewable energy resource: on the one hand implementing an economic spill over policy on the affected territories and on the other hand ensuring that the areas concerned are environmentally safeguarded and protected.
The agreement in fact provides for a double implementation track: the increase in power installed in geothermal power plants (200 Megawatts from here to 2024 according to the Regional Energy Plan program in accordance with ENEL’s development programs) will correspond to the disbursement of funds (650,000 euros for each Megawatt) to local authorities to be used for area economic development projects.
At the same time, the new power plants will be equipped with the best technologies for the abatement of pollutants and climate-change products currently available and bodies will be set up that will be responsible for the constant monitoring of geothermal areas.
At the same time, the research will channel additional funds (around € 250 million up to 2024) on research.
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