A way to extract fossil fuel energy without pollution thanks to the WAPPS project From 2018 methane gas and other fossil energies will be cleaned thanks to the Australian ANNSCA Prospecting and the Friulian Aga 4.0
Hydrocarbons have many virtues (from an economic point of view) but also different flaws (from an environmental point of view): by their nature they are dirty and polluting. Any technology that helps save the child and throw away the dirty water is welcome, and this seems to be the case for a 100% safe extraction process for the natural gas and oil environment (with applications also in geothermal). The WAPPS System stems from the collaboration between a company from Friuli, the Aga 4.0, and the Australian company ANNSCA Energy, and from 2018 it will be tested in two wells in Northern Italy.
“The WAPPS System – explains geologist Gian Paolo Droli – is highly technological, has a relatively low cost, and can be adapted to any type of geological formation for the integral protection of aquifers and to prevent gas leaks into the atmosphere. WAPPS will be tested in two wells in the province of Udine “. The WAPPS technology (Water & Air Pollution Prevention System) is inserted into the extraction well. It is a combination of modules, covered by patents, containing a mix of nanotechnological compositions specifically designed to track down any pollutant, which then absorbs and purifies, thus preventing it from being dispersed in the environment.
Italy and almost all European countries have long banned all fracking operations (hydraulic fracturing) due to the serious risks of pollution of the surrounding environment, drinking water and air. On the other hand, even irrespective of fracking, the ambition of environmentalists is to completely eliminate the use of fossil energy sources. Within one or two generations humanity will be able to do without it. But in the meantime we must continue to extract oil and methane protecting water and air. It is with this intention that the Australian ANNSCA has worked for years with the Geoeco of Udine (Italian company that deals with water protection and geothermal systems) with the WAPPS System.
“In this period of transition towards renewable energies, our aim is to offer the possibility, even for Europe, of a clean energy independence. Me and my team” – says the founder and creator of WAPPS, Romolo Bertani – “we are ready to offer in Italy, through ANNSCA Prospecting, the WAPPS System starting from summer 2018 in any gas, oil or geothermal well “.
Original article: https://www.lastampa.it/2017/11/11/economia/il-petrolio-fuoriesce-pulito-grazie-a-un-brevetto-italiano-bjQ2xcHG8s8wxGbqHVx96M/pagina.html